this field as in any other difficult and highly technical area of learning.
"We are convinced that as ONE INSTITUTE carefully and soundly expands its work, by training experts, by offering the general public reliable information, and by setting up standards in a field so sadly without them to day, that much good can be accomplished.
"It is the purpose of ONE INSTITUTE to conduct systematic and serious examinations in three important phases: (1) The collection, tabulation and careful compilation of what has already been written about homosexuality by scholars and literary figures; (2) The critical analysis of these findings, with a view to extending knowledge of the subject and discovering new facts, from which may eventually come the development of a comprehensive theoretical system and practice; and (3) Independent study and research by the Institute's staff, as new contributions in the field.
"In an area so relatively unexplored and new as this, predictions are difficult, but it is hoped that these studies may result in a stronger and more stabilized philosophical outlook, leading to improved social adjustments for the homophile himself, as well as a reduction of uninformed judgments and irrational attitudes on the part of the general public.
"Examination will be made of several of the sciences, social sciences, the arts and literature, to discover what they have to contribute to the study of homosexuality and the homophile. An attempt will be made to find in what respects these various approaches have been success— ful, and where they have fallen short. The questions each might properly answer will be asked. Naturally the pur-
suit of detailed inquiries cannot be attempted in such a survey course. These must be left for more specialized studies.
(1) Giving a
"In accordance with this approach, the present survey will in general follow the procedure of: brief out line of the subject under discussion, i.e.,